Reasons Why Chennai is the Cultural Capital of South India

Reasons Why Chennai is the Cultural Capital of South India


Chennai is the capital city of the southern state of Tamil Nadu and one of the largest cities in India. The city has been inhabited for over 2,500 years and has an amazing history that dates back to early times. It was founded by the British as Fort St George in 1639 and served as their headquarters for over 200 years until 1785 when Madras Presidency was established. In 1996, it became a Union Territory before it was merged with Andhra Pradesh in 2014 to form Tamil Nadu state. Today, Chennai is one of India’s fastest-growing cities with a population exceeding 8 million people making it one of the largest metropolitan areas in South Asia!

Chennai is a metropolitan city that is known for its magnificent art, culture and food.

It is also one of the most important cultural capitals of South India and has been so since ancient times.

The city has been home to several great dynasties such as Cholas, Pallavas etc., who have left behind a rich legacy of architecture in their respective styles of Dravidian temples and rock cut caves which can still be seen today at places like Mahabalipuram (Mamallapuram).

Chennai is home to various tourist attractions as well as historical monuments.

The Fort St George is one of the oldest structures in Chennai and was built by the British in 1640 AD. This fort houses an art gallery, museum, library and historical archives that showcase various artifacts belonging to different eras of India’s history.

The San Thome Cathedral is another must-visit place while on your trip to this city as it houses many relics of St Thomas who brought Christianity into South India during his missionary work here from 52 AD onwards till 72 AD when he was martyred by local rulers due to his teachings being considered heretical at that time! You can also visit other churches like Church Of Our Lady Of Good Health (Vailankanni) where people flock every year on 24th December for blessings from Our Lady Of Good Health; St Mary’s Church & Convent In Saidapet/St Francis Church In T Nagar Area etc…

It is one of the oldest cities in South India.

Chennai is one of the oldest cities in South India and has a long history dating back to 3rd century BC. It has been ruled by several dynasties such as Pallavas, Cholas, Pandyas and British.

The Mughal dynasty ruled over this city during the 16th and 17th centuries.

The Mughal rulers were Muslims from Central Asia who came to India and conquered most of it by the early 18th century, except for some areas in southern India. They controlled most of India for 200 years until they were defeated by the Marathas in 1761.

Chennai is also known as the ‘Gateway to Coromandel Coast’.

The Coromandel Coast is a region in South India, which has many beaches and backwaters. It is also famous for its temples and monuments built by ancient kings who ruled over this land.

As per a recent report by Economic Times, Chennai has been ranked at the top among all Indian metros when it comes to employability and entrepreneurship skills among its youth population.

While it’s true that Chennai is one of the best cities to live in India, it also has been ranked as the top city in India by HSBC’s Expat Explorer survey 2018. In addition to this, Chennai has been ranked among top 20 cities in Asia by HSBC’s Expat Explorer survey 2018.

This can be attributed to various factors such as:

  • Great Infrastructure – The city is well connected with all other parts of India through various modes of transportation including trains and flights from Chennai International Airport which are considered some of the best facilities available anywhere else around world! You can easily reach any part within few hours’ time without having any issue at all!
  • High Quality Education Facilities – There are many schools and colleges offering excellent education facilities along with many universities like Anna University where students get chance learn different fields such as arts & science etc., without spending much money on fees too! Also they have special scholarships given every year based on merit basis so don’t worry if someone doesn’t have enough money because those scholarships will cover up everything else needed for higher studies.”

It has been ranked among top 20 cities in Asia by HSBC’s Expat Explorer survey 2018.

The survey was conducted by HSBC, and it was based on the views of expats who live in these cities and ranked them based on quality of life. The survey took into account factors like work, leisure, family life and other aspects while ranking the cities. Chennai came at number 20 on this list with an overall score of 73%, which puts it at par with Delhi (72%), Hyderabad (72%), Mumbai (71%) and Kolkata (69%).

No other city in South India can match up to Chennai in terms of heritage, culture, history and modernity!

The city has always been known for its rich cultural heritage that dates back over two millennia.

Chennai has been home to some of South India’s greatest rulers such as the Cholas who ruled from 300 BC to 1279 AD; Pallavas (600-900AD); Vijayanagar Empire(1336-1646). The city also witnessed many invasions from various foreign powers including Mughals(17th century)and British(18th -19th centuries).

So what makes Chennai stand out from other cities in this regard?


Chennai is a city that has it all. From heritage sites to modern amenities, Chennai has something for everyone. Its rich history and culture make it one of the most visited cities in South India while its location makes it an ideal place for expats who want to explore more than just India!

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